
Do you need help or have a question about your time piece? Many fixes for clocks can be a simple replacement part or adjustment to the movement. Feel free to ask a question and I will respond ASAP.

Elgin Sigfried Haller Skeleton Anniversary Clock time adjustment

This video will explain how to adjust the time on a Elgin Sigfried Haller Skeleton Anniversary Clock Germany c. 1986. The time adjustment is the same as any other standard 400 day Anniversary clock. The time adjustment is done by rotating the disk at the top of the pendulum either right or left depending on if the clock is slow or fast. The disk at the top of the pendulum has a Plus and a Minus symbol to show which direction to rotate the disk.

Do you sell these replacement clock keys?


I have a KIENINGER OBERGFELL Anniversary Kundo dome clock, and it unfortunately doesn’t have the key anymore. Do you sell these replacement keys, and if so, how much are they?

I’ve been searching all over the net and cannot find an exact replacement key… I’ve found a few sites that sell reproduction keys, which I’m certainly ok with, but come in varying sizes. And again, I must unfortunately say that I don’t know what size I need to buy! Could you help me out with that as well? What kind of key do I need and any referrals on where to buy the key?

Thanks for taking the time… I appreciate it!



1930 haller mantle clock that has decided to strike 12 chimes every hour

Hi James

Hope you don’t mind me asking some advise, I have a 1930 haller mantle clock that has decided to strike 12 chimes every hour ….  You did a video on YouTube and I was wondering if you could offer some advise as to how I may  be able to repair this it would be greatly appreciated. I am a locksmith so are used to small mechanical works

Any advise would be greatly appreciated

